
  • Export as
    Study/JavaScript 2020. 5. 14. 19:36

    Export as

    Named exports also conveniently offer a way to change the name of variables when we export or import them. We can do this with the as keyword.

    Let’s see how this works. In our menu.js example



    let specialty = '';
    let isVegetarian = function() {
    let isLowSodium = function() {
    export { specialty as chefsSpecial, isVegetarian as isVeg, isLowSodium };



    In the above example, take a look at the export statement at the bottom of the of the file.

    1. The as keyword allows us to give a variable name an alias as demonstrated in specialty as chefsSpecial and isVegetarian as isVeg.
    2. Since we did not give isLowSodium an alias, it will maintain its original name.
     let availableAirplanes = [
      name: 'AeroJet',
      fuelCapacity: 800,
      availableStaff: ['pilots', 'flightAttendants', 'engineers', 'medicalAssistance', 'sensorOperators'],
      maxSpeed: 1200,
      minSpeed: 300
     {name: 'SkyJet',
      fuelCapacity: 500,
      availableStaff: ['pilots', 'flightAttendants'],
      maxSpeed: 800,
      minSpeed: 200
     let flightRequirements = {
      requiredStaff: 4,
      requiredSpeedRange: 700
     function meetsStaffRequirements(availableStaff, requiredStaff) {
      if(availableStaff.length >= requiredStaff){
        return true;
      }else {
        return false;
     function meetsSpeedRangeRequirements(maxSpeed, minSpeed, requiredSpeedRange){
      let range = maxSpeed - minSpeed;
      if(range > requiredSpeedRange){
        return true;
        return false;
    export { availableAirplanes as aircrafts, flightRequirements as flightReqs, meetsStaffRequirements as meetsStaffReqs, meetsSpeedRangeRequirements as meetsSpeedRangeReqs };

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