for문과 while문의 차이점Study/JavaScript 2020. 5. 1. 21:25
while문과 do-while문의 차이점은 조건을 먼저 검사하느냐 나중에 검사하느냐일 뿐 동작 방식은 동일합니다.
반복횟수를 알고 있을 때 주로 사용한다.
for문이 정해진 횟수만큼 반복한다면, while 문은 조건식이 true 일 경우에 계속해서 반복합니다
So you may be wondering when to use a while loop! The syntax of a for loop is ideal when we know how many times the loop should run, but we don’t always know this in advance. Think of eating like a while loop: when you start taking bites, you don’t know the exact number you’ll need to become full. Rather you’ll eat while you’re hungry. In situations when we want a loop to execute an undetermined number of times, while loops are the best choice.
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